We want children to experience the transforming love of Jesus as they learn and grow in their faith. During our time together, children are encouraged to worship, connect with each other & God, and reflect on who God is and who we are in Him.

Preschool - Grade 3
Meets EVERY Sunday

Kids will spend time in worship, connection, and exploration of who God is and how He loves each one of us. 

Grade 4-7
Meets the LAST 2 SUNDAYS of every month

Kids will have an opportunity to connect & grow together the last 2 Sundays of the month. The other weeks they will be able to sit in the main service and participate with their family. 


Here's what to expect when visiting NP Kids for the first time:

First, you will head to the NP Kids Check-In table. There one of our volunteers will meet your family, check your child into our system, and then you will bring your child with you into the main service. Our kids begin the service with us so we can worship through song and spend time in prayer together before the kids head out for their own teaching time.

When checking in for the first time, we will ask you for the following personal information (note: we value your privacy and will not share any of the information with anyone):

  • Parent/Guardian name(s)
  • Child's name
  • Home address
  • Parent/Guardian mobile phone number
  • Any special instructions (allergies, special needs, etc) for your children

Before Service: You can check-in your child at the NP Kids table. After finding your child in the database, you & your child will be given matching name tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child can wear the name tag while you hold onto the matching tag. 

During Service: After a time of worship & prayer in the main sanctuary, the NP Kids leaders will bring the children to their class. If at anytime your child needs you, a volunteer will come let you know. 

After Service: When the service is complete, you can come to the kids space and check out your child by showing the volunteer your matching tag.


If you've got any questions regarding our NP Kids experience, fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you!

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